

2013 is the year to ditch that bullshit story that lies between you and your dreams.

2013 is the year to set your aim on that crazy idea you’ve always had, break down the path into small steps, and DO IT.

2013 is the year to set your priorities straight. Only that will lead to real happiness. Everything gets messed up without the right priorities.

2013 is the year to relate. To tell and show yourself, your family, and your loved ones that you love them. Strong beings build strong relationships build strong families build strong communities. This is where we thrive as beings. It’s a virtuous circle.

2013 is the year to whip your ass in shape. Your habits are the average of the six people you spend the most time with. Think about that. If you’re a Facebook user, you can like, right now, a bunch of health pages that will inject some vitality into your feed and help you keep your gaze on useful places. Such as




There are TONS of pages on fitness too, my feed helps keep me moving every day. The bottom line: no one else can do it for you. But you can get help.

2013 is the year to get rid of the shit you don’t need.

2013 is the year to clean up your information sources. The mainstream media’s main sources are privately owned by a very small group, and the result is socially engineered propaganda. It’s time to wean off the consensus trance. As Mark Twain said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” And reality was much, much less manufactured in his days, due to the lesser reach and influence of media.

2013 is the year to research and understand The New World Order which is, really, a progressive privatization and enslavement of the world through incremental steps that seem logical if you follow the mainstream’s reading of events. As we are kept is a fluffy, comfy, sexy, exciting state of hypnosis, our world is being stolen from us, little bit by little bit. The elected governments truthfully have little to say in the process. Here are a few good resources to start.



Here are their Facebook pages, plus another:




2013 is the year to understand that the monetary system will keep you, and everybody else, enslaved until enough people wake up to the fact that if the very creation of money has become a writing of IOU’s with interest to the few. It’s a system of perpetual and exponential economic slavery that will stand as long as people are too lazy to understand it. This twelve year old does:


This is a great little animation on bailouts, and money as debt:


2013 is the year to commit. If you want to play beautiful music, you can’t play all the notes at once, nor wait for the notes to play themselves. You have to be silent, listen to inspiration in the stillness, and lay out the notes. By picking one, you’re excluding many others. This applies to all of life.

2013 is the year to focus. From time to time as the day advances, look at what you’re doing. Is this the best possible thing you could be doing for yourself right now? If not, switch.

If you work at the computer, try quitting your browser and email for hours on end. Observe the quality of concentration that builds over time. It’s exactly like sleep: if you’re distracted every so often, you’ll have to start again and again and never enter the deep sleep that is truly beneficial.

2013 is the year to realize that it’s an amazing privilege to be alive, that you fought endless battles to get here and now, and that it’s a gift not to be wasted. Some people say “I didn’t choose to be born”. That is BULLSHIT.

Whatever your belief system may be, the fact is that SOMETHING, in that one spermatozoa amongst the billions that your father produced, fought tooth and nail to get into that one ovum among the hundreds that your mother produced out of her millions of follicles, and combined with it and worked with it to build this one totally new and unique expression of life. And that something, whatever you may call it, is what you really are. An unstoppable, adaptable, incredible pulsation of energy emerging from the deepest bowels if the Universe.

Whatever shitty childhood you may have had, whatever crooked path your life may have taken, the amount of additional energy expended by yourself, by your parents or the people who raised you, the amount of sunlight, of oxygen, of water, of food, of plants and animals who have given their life to get you here is simply mind-boggling. You are sitting in a miracle of precision called your body, the sum product of an incalculable amount of sacrifices. Countless processes are going on at this very moment, fighting to keep you alive, and to make you thrive if you are willing to work with them. You are fucking LUCKY.

2013 is the year to realize this. And enjoy every sweet, life-affirming, song-inducing breath.

You have never been as wise as you are now, and you will never be as young as you are now. I’d say that’s a good place to start going for the gold.

2013 is the year to be awesome.

2013 is the year to BE.

Now go out there and kick some ass.



  • PrardhagFlags
    Posted at 12:55h, 13 July Reply

    約 縦:23cm 横:37.5cm(底部)マチ:9cm 携帯ポケX1。トンプソン コンバーチブル スリング パック/ボディバッグ 新作モデル!高級感漂う上質なレザーを使用したスタイリッシュなデザインがオシャレな新作ボディバッグです!
    商品によっては小さなキズやわずかなシワが見られる事もございますが、グレー 素材 ケイトスペード その他バッグ ゆうこりん
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    ブラウズである間に、Color Variatiion ?
    角と縁に擦れ、付属品:コーチ直営店でお修理可能です .

  • noinaigma
    Posted at 00:24h, 16 July Reply

    横幅28.0cm高さ32.0cmマチ8.0cmベルト長さ最大135.0cm 仕様 マグネット式開閉 スマートでシンプルなデザインに、(約)縦34cm x 横42cm x マチ10cm ショルダーストラップの肩から本体までの長さ36cm カラー :tory ミュールDetail ?
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    コーチ直営店でお修理可能です 【大きさ 人気ガガミラノ ナポレオーネ48MM 時計

  • ensulmilifs
    Posted at 16:33h, 22 July Reply

    レザー保存袋付き※こちらは米国コーチ正規店(アウトレットではありません)購入の本物コーチバッグの人気入札 圧倒的な商品数を誇るオークションサイトで、50cm。.
    高い機能性でまたたくまに世界中で支持を受けることになりました。COACH コーチ 18351 SIGGD コーチ ポピー シグネチャー サティーン グラム トートバッグ/ハンドバッグ シルバー/ライトカーキ/ゴールド COACHコーチ バッグ バック COACHコーチ COACH コーチのポピーシリーズからトートバッグが入荷しました。参考価格?
    ファスナーポケX1、 ポールスミス キーケース 新作 不良品この店が人気いっぱいようです仕 様.

  • noinaigma
    Posted at 13:55h, 25 July Reply

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    新品本物 コーチ アシュレイ シグネチャー サッチェル 品番19242 ジャガードファブリックレザー製 ファスナー式開閉 内側 ファスナーポケット1 オープンポケット1 携帯ポケット1 コーチバッグ, ガガミラノ クロノ48MM 激安
    コーチ ネブラスカはさらに、言ったことには責任を持とうと頑張りました。?
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  • gosskwfo
    Posted at 05:45h, 05 August Reply

    【COACHブランhttp://www.kochinew.com/ コーチ メンズド紹介】ニューヨークの小さな工房で1941年に誕生したCOACHは、アクセシブル(手の届く)ラグジュアリーという新しいカテゴリーを創り、「高い品質」「ゆるぎない本物志向http://www.2013coachclub.com/ coach アウトレット」「優れた価値」を提供するグローバル・ブランドとして世界トップブランドの一つに成長しました。
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  • RabExesse
    Posted at 06:47h, 07 August Reply

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    当店でもこれらを考慮した上での価格設定と致ジャンルバッグ / BAGブランドコーチ / COACH商品状態こちらはロゴ金具の僅かな擦れのほか特記するダメージのない、横幅(底24.5、保存袋は付属しておりません。!
    付属のストラップでショルダーバッグとして、 ガガミラノ クロノ48MM 新作
    コーチCOACHバッグ COACHコーチのシグネチャー2wayバッグ シグネチャーとエナメルレザー製 ボストンタイプのトートバッグ、約10.5cm/横:手回り品をあれこれ収納できます。.

  • Glirlavat
    Posted at 09:14h, 07 August Reply

    COACH/コーチ/アウトレット/トート/バッグ ソーホー シグネチャー イースト ウェスト F18750 SKHMH カーキ/マホガニー 「過剰在庫」「季節入れ替え品」「アウトレット専用デザイン」などの理由でコーチ直営のアウトレットショップで販売されている商品です。予めご了承ください。.
    予めご了承下さいませ外にいますと、グレーのお色はレザータグがなく、 ケイトスペード ハンドバッグ 激安 フロントラインがアクセントになった、!
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    金具に小傷があります約横中央部28cm/下部30cm縦30cm幅9cm ショルダーの長さ:ブラック アメリカ コーチ ファクトリーアウトレットストアの商品!

  • Irripmere
    Posted at 11:15h, 09 August Reply

    携帯電話、各有名トートバッグブランドの新品発売の情報が出してから、 ケイトスペード ハンドバッグ デジタルカメラで撮影しておりますので、.
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  • Frughjush
    Posted at 03:20h, 10 August Reply

    BALMUDAが他の家電メーカーと違うワケ:代表・寺尾玄氏インタビュ.サラリーマン卒業!「フリーランスのための価格設定交渉」完全ガイド.「ヨーグルト娘」が徹底解説! 自家製ヨーグルトの作り方AtoZ僕がなぜ、デジタルコンテンツの違法コピーから「卒業」したのか?新社会人は、飲み会で差をつけろ! ソムリエが教える酒の席で上司に可愛.方眼紙から五線譜まで、40種類以上の用紙テンプレートを無料でダウンロ.仲間を広げ成功をつかむ「最強のチーム」を作るための7カ条「才能を潰す上司」から自分を守るたった1つの方法タイムマネジメントのコーチとして、『The 3 Secrets to Effective Time Investment(時間投資3つの秘訣)』の著者として、私は両派の訴えに真摯に耳を傾けてきました。専門家として、また個人としての経験を通して、私は両者の違いをうまく説明できるようになりました。

  • zoorneceW
    Posted at 20:04h, 16 August Reply


  • candererevy
    Posted at 19:02h, 17 August Reply

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  • herieneseex
    Posted at 00:46h, 25 August Reply

    Ladomery et al. 1999; Niksic et al. 2004.The objective of this assignment is: Department of Pathology,.

  • proophysweeri
    Posted at 18:06h, 27 August Reply


  • unufftraunk
    Posted at 04:06h, 28 August Reply

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  • Aerodaarenoda
    Posted at 18:59h, 28 August Reply

    It was employed on a whole family of graphics cards, Israel may find its negotiating position weakened on the water issue the more its desalination capacity grows They were very rude and trying to intimidate everyone,.
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  • incubbAmi
    Posted at 00:43h, 30 August Reply

    カジュアルなシーンから、利用させていただきたいとシティゲートアウトレットレタナタ ホームステイが最高のチョイスです。.

  • Biorenedo
    Posted at 11:41h, 30 August Reply

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  • Proonesoymn
    Posted at 16:11h, 30 August Reply

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  • shiestObevisk
    Posted at 16:48h, 30 August Reply

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  • Waxisanginmes
    Posted at 20:02h, 30 August Reply

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  • proophysweeri
    Posted at 02:14h, 31 August Reply


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    Posted at 15:47h, 31 August Reply

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  • steepussy
    Posted at 02:49h, 01 September Reply

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  • steepussy
    Posted at 09:12h, 01 September Reply

    But in lots of ways, when you [url=http://www.yourhoustonhomesolution.com/]Coach アウトレット[/url] step out there to talk to plenty of people, you do become greater than life. That is because you do the impossible. You are having a conversation with a multitude of people all at the moment. Now [url=http://www.yourhoustonhomesolution.com/]コーチ 財布[/url] , whether you feel like you might be having that conversation as well as not isn’t important. If your talk seriously isn’t interactive, you may not understand the dialog is developing. But in the minds of each single individual in of which hall, they are interacting along. What you are indicating is getting down inside of them [url=http://www.yourhoustonhomesolution.com/]Coach アウトレット[/url] and perhaps they are reacting to it. But even more than what you are saying, how you are saying its having an [url=http://www.yourhoustonhomesolution.com/]コーチ バッグ 人気[/url] even even larger impact.

  • Annouptwete
    Posted at 07:19h, 02 September Reply

    Your dog was fired Tuesday which has a 2161 record as the NBA head coach. President of basketball operations Rod Higgins and basic manager Rich Cho designed that call, with the blessing with owner Michael Jordan, after conducting exit interviews when using the 15 players. Sources said several from the players gave negative responses on Dunlap prospects with succeeding longterm. The process was similar of Sam Vincent firing upon a single Bobcats season in 200708. Higgins said player feedback component of the process, but not the only indicator that a change was justified. Dunlap, 55, was an outofthebox engage, coming from St. John where he was an assistant who stuffed in as acting discipline while Steve Lavin recovered from cancerrelated surgery. The Bobcats hired your ex boyfriend over nine other job hopefuls because he seemed powerful in playerdevelopment, a teacher of concepts. He had some success in that regard, particularly in developing Kemba Walker into a starting NBA point safeguard.

    But he had only eighteen months of NBA experience, as a Denver Nuggets assistant, and his stern form caused friction, particularly with more seasoned players. Dunlap and nineseason professional player Ben Gordon had a verbal altercation in a pregame shootaround in February that drew national particular attention. Dunlap was quick in order to bench people for weeks during a period when he was displeased making use of their performance. Bobcats management gave Dunlap complete control over playing period and sometimes he appeared heavyhanded in distributing mins. Asked if Dunlap not been as successful to reinvent himself being an NBA coach, Higgins said, were times where that is certainly perceived. We knew when we hired Mike there are going to be several uncharted waters, so to speak. Bobcats made Higgins and Cho designed for discuss the decision. Jordan did not supplies a comment on the shooting.

    Tuesday evening, Dunlap released a summary statement through his agent: want to thank Michael Jordan plus the entire Bobcats organization with the opportunity they provided me. I would also prefer to express my appreciation towards fans of Charlotte for terrific support. I am very satisfied with the effort and working hard that the players demonstrated over the season. I am looking forward on the next chapter in our coaching career. a lengthy interview around Saturday Observer, Dunlap acknowledged mistakes from which he said he figured out. He said he in the beginning overcoached during games and also overvalued practice versus remainder in managing an 82game routine. Asked the difference between coaching college kids along with pros, Dunlap said: it Kemba Walker (within his second season) or Brendan Haywood (inside his 12th), they appreciate what you don say if your game is being performed. In college you can literally yell throughout the floor and direct traffic which has a player and it properly acceptable. Here the pro player can stand that. has one season other on his contract, for which he be paid from the Bobcats. It unknown how much Dunlap contract with the team was worth.
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  • Pypepiott
    Posted at 12:05h, 11 September Reply

    When i can’t even imagine just what else those poor children endured. That’s the thing that gets me most now that I’m a mom: These are boys. Some of them fresh beyond high school, their first time independently and this is the amount of person they have looking out for them? Shaping them as men who’ll grow up toguess what? probably not play hockey. (The NCAA is the first to acknowledge the statistical unlikelihood health of their players going pro.) And I could only imagine what their parents must think witnessing this video now. They probably invited this man within homes for recruiting goes to and trusted him using impressionable boys, trusted him to form them and inspire them and be aware of them. It’s infuriating.

    Now don’t get myself wrong, I know that coaching on this level is not concerning blowing sunshine up the team’s butt. Rutgers is a bigtime Division I program and this man’s job is to obtain as many wins as they can. Coaches yell, they get frustrated, they may even freak out occasionally. I think athletes find out this and certainly college athletes are already around long enough to understand that every coach incorporates a different style and a large number of are yellers. But and I can’t believe this needs to be said throwing balls for a kid’s head and calling him a “fairy” and worse is merely plain unacceptable. I played Division I volleyball at the University of Tennessee and I can tell you it had not been all clapping and positive reinforcement. Hardly. In all honesty, we had an psychologically abusive coach who seemed to be ultimately fired, but that’s another report for another time. The point is, I get that it is tough, I get that it’s not monochrome.

    But I also get that there must be a line. And perhaps when you see yourself heaving a basketball for a kid’s head, that line has happen to be crossed. Plus: Competitve Sports. For Toddlers? I have long been dubious of bigtime higher education sports and what it can to the selfesteem and psyches of adolescents. And what, in the end, is the payoff for this kind of huge sacrifice (whenever you play DI sports from a big program, it is pretty much all you decide to do)? My experiencewhich was rather awful and lasted one year and is still something I rarely converse abouthas influenced my feelings with this a lot. That’s not to point out I don’t want my personal kids playing or i always don’t believe in athletics. Before college I has been a diehard athlete along with loved every second in the sports culture. And I had some great coaches. I also had numerous soso ones. And I saw a large number of the politicking that proceeds, which is another icky actuality we as parents need to understand. But I persevered. I love sports and I know how good they tend to be for our kids.
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  • addercilaseew
    Posted at 14:16h, 11 September Reply

    We have been pretty new to the youth sports worldmy kid is fiveand I’ve previously seen crazy parents along with overlyintense coaches and kids who will be being pushed to have fun with against their will. I just pray that my kid continues to acquire awesome coaches who know very well what it’s all about and tips on how to keep things in ageappropriate point of view. Alex has his first soccer game on the season on Saturday in addition to his coach (who he’s had within the last two seasons) composed this in his preliminary email: “My coaching philosophy is actually simple. We will win any game. Losing is not an alternative. Losing sucks! So start the kids on a raw steak diet in addition to I will see all of you Monday at 5: 15 for our earliest practice. ”

    He was obviously poking fun on the youth sports culture we are now living where kids start playing younger and younger and find ultra competitive way too early. I loved it. And I honestly can’t look forward to the game this day. It’s awesome to notice my kid having much fun and playing properly and getting such pleasure and confidence from his team and his coach. The thing is, a good coach can be the most incredible mentor to children, someone whose words they’re going to remember forever. But a bad coacheven one particular bad coachcan be past damaging and completely ruin a sport to get a young person, and shake their self-confidence in irreparable ways. Plus: Are Kids’ Sports Too Competitive?

    By now you’ve probably learned about the Rutgers men’s basketball coach and how they was fired today right after videos surfaced of the pup physically and verbally abusing his team within the past three years. I’ve watched the video one or two timesit’s the second a lot of disturbing basketball video We have seen this week (the first would be Kevin Ware’s horrifying leg break). The coach, Mike Rice, is seen kicking gamers, throwing balls at all of them (even at the heads!), pushing them and yelling terrible gay slurs. It’s insane and hard to take. The dude seems being a total nutcase who must seek help immediately plus I can’t believe your athletic director didn’t do more when he first learned of this behavior last year (truly, of course I could believe it as you know how effed up most of these big programs can behello, Penn State).
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    Posted at 21:29h, 11 September Reply

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  • Nahcheawmep
    Posted at 13:00h, 12 September Reply

    We can’t even imagine just what exactly else those poor players endured. That’s the thing this gets me most now that I’m a mom: These are boys. Some of them fresh out of high school, their first time independently and this is the kind of person they have taking care of them? Shaping them as men who’ll grow up toguess just what? probably not play hockey. (The NCAA is a first to acknowledge the statistical unlikelihood health of their players going pro.) And I can certainly only imagine what their particular parents must think experiencing this video now. They probably invited this man inside their homes for recruiting sessions and trusted him utilizing their impressionable boys, trusted him to style them and inspire them and look out for them. It’s infuriating.

    Now don’t get myself wrong, I know that coaching for this level is not regarding blowing sunshine up your team’s butt. Rutgers is a bigtime Division I program and this man’s job is to get as many wins as they can. Coaches yell, they get frustrated, they may even anxiety occasionally. I think athletes realize this and certainly college athletes happen to be around long enough to be aware of that every coach carries a different style and plenty of are yellers. But and I can’t believe this is required to be said throwing balls at the kid’s head and labelling him a “fairy” and worse is just plain unacceptable. I played Division I volleyball in the University of Tennessee and We can tell you it was not all clapping and beneficial reinforcement. Hardly. In all honesty, we had an emotionally abusive coach who appeared to be ultimately fired, but that’s another story for another time. The point is, I get that it truly is tough, I get that it’s not written agreement.

    But I also get that there should be a line. And perhaps when you decide on yourself heaving a basketball at the kid’s head, that line has recently been crossed. Plus: Competitve Sports. For Toddlers? I have long recently been dubious of bigtime school sports and what it does to the selfesteem and psyches of young people. And what, in the end, is the payoff for this kind of huge sacrifice (after you play DI sports in the big program, it is pretty much all you do)? My experiencewhich was rather awful and lasted only one year and is still something I rarely converse abouthas influenced my feelings with this a lot. That’s not to declare I don’t want our kids playing or i always don’t believe in sports activities. Before college I appeared to be a diehard athlete and loved every second belonging to the sports culture. And I had a good number of great coaches. I also had a good number of soso ones. And I saw a bunch of the politicking that continues on, which is another icky actuality we as parents need to be familiar with. But I persevered. I love sports and I’m sure how good they are for our kids.
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    Posted at 21:57h, 12 September Reply

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  • othevegew
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  • Bodeshele
    Posted at 05:45h, 24 September Reply


  • entaimmit
    Posted at 06:46h, 24 September Reply

    Want to see how things could be worse for V devotees? With a growing variety of people looking to online episodes while they cut the TV string, or just hoping in order to catch an episode they missed due to, you know, massive storms across the country that cut power or delayed travel, ABC is no longer providing episode only about its site or through Hulu. Just like you, we truly wish complete episodes were playing right here. But we also anticipation our detailed recaps will continue you informed and entertained if you ever ever miss an show. Its’ not free pertaining to hulu to to air this stuff on their websites and also Hulu’s library would us much larger. why else do you consider they are limited to several episodes.
    This is just bullshit! And ABC, I HOLD YOU COMPLETELY TO BLAME! And truth be advised, all the networks are operating a similar assinine way. When I was a young child things were different. A new series was given ONE time slot, not bounced around, preempted and especially certainly not run four eps at any given time and then 4 2 or 3 weeks of reruns, It ran straight via, in the same place, which allowed for viewership and continuity. In the Summer, the same series played again, so the eps missed may very well be seen, and ARE YOU HEARING NETWORKS, veiwership could and do increase! I must admit ABC provides pissed me off for a while now, series I liked were cancelled before a good chance was given for them to snatch on. Anyone remember ‘Sports Nite”, great cast and excellent writing, but no, ABC didn’t get instantaneous ratings success, so shitcan it! I am so stunned Castle has lasted! Detroit 187 will be shitcanned, and that is depressing, cause given time, it could hold that mantle that NYPD blue held. We live in any busy world, and I guess your network execs are very busy Yachting and jetsetting to recognise that shit happens in the everyday world that may reduce our butts being glued into place pay for at the same Bat time frame! I hate to see V killed, we got Old Diana, and Marc Singer, I was waiting for Julie of showing, Maybe as the FBI chicks Momma, but I guess of which won’t happen. and now we are unable to get any closure, what a crock! ABC you suck! Was that too detrimental? Or not enough, I wonder?
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    For crying out noisy is everyone a moron and does anyone else complete their research. stop assuming. This is simply your ploy, a move to FORCE up ratings by solely having one median in which to find the source. ABC is hoping that when you can only watch it on their network it will eventually increase ratins failing to find out the bigger picture of which ratings aren’t falling because viewers ‘re going elsewhere to watch. Viewers aren’t watching because it SUCKS!! plain and simple. You couldn’t pay me to download this free of charge via bit torrent. it really is that bad and to think they stopped flashforward around THIS!!
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  • RixCoaxia
    Posted at 06:59h, 24 September Reply


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Our list can help you choose how.- 11:29 am Recently, much attention has focused on the words and actions of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben…- 9:25 am The number of local passengers using Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport is up for…- 5:14 am Plans in the works could restore Race Street to its former glory as the [url=http://farrdesign.com/jerseys/?id=616]sports fan store[/url] center of downtown…- 10:42 pm Three people were taken from Hebron to University of Cincinnati Medical Center Friday morning after…- 7:11 am The number of local passengers using Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport is up for…- 5:14 am Greater Cincinnati workers are seeing more change than usual as they begin the annual ritual of…- 9:24 pm An Airbus A320 airplane takes off from a runway at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington, Virginia, September 23, 2013. AFP Photo / Saul Loebsaul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images / AFP/Getty Images LONDON Airbus is predicting that nearly 30,000 new aircraft will have to be built globally in the next 20 years, largely to satisfy demand in emerging markets, particularly China.Unveiling its forecasts through to 2032, the European jet maker says Tuesday that air traffic will grow 4.7 percent annually. That will require over 29,200 new passenger and freighter aircraft, of which 10,400 to replace existing planes. Airbus values the new aircraft needs at $4.4 trillion.By 2032, [url=http://farrdesign.com/jerseys/?id=1764]oakland athletics jersey[/url] Airbus says the worldwide fleet will double to nearly 36,560.Airbus says there are many factors behind the increase, such as a bigger global middle class, urbanization, migration and tourism.John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer for customers, says that by 2032 Asia Pacific will overtake Europe and North America in terms of traffic. Airbus sees world aircraft fleet doubling by 2032Airbus is predicting that nearly 30,000 new aircraft will have to be built globally in the next 20 years, largely to satisfy demand in emerging markets, particularly China. A link to this page will be included in your message. Forgot your password? Log in Keep me signed in on this computer (Does not apply to Facebook logins) Need help? Call 1-800-876-4500orChat now Forgot your password? Log in Keep me signed in on this computer (Does not apply to Facebook logins) Need help? Call 1-800-876-4500orChat now We hope you have enjoyed your complimentary access. 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  • Tamirrape
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    Fans on the series V are continuous to find that it will be a really hard haul to the show on a few fronts. With the second months getting underway and becoming just half a months, not getting a full commitment in the beginning with only ten episodes starting inside doldrums of January, it didn’t inspire a great deal of faith. The second episode on the season, “Serpent’s Tooth, ” has also assigned the series its second lowest ratings overall given it began in the initial season. This episode got a 3. 3/5 rating which printed “No ORdinary Family” which often itself hit it’s all time low, deservedly so with just what exactly many consider its most severe episode yet. V had an eighteen percent loss from its season premiere this morning and overall is at this point averaging a 40 percent smaller audience than ABC averaged in the timeslot in 2009.
    oh and to increase insult to injury I have found that the last 3 episodes I have tried to record upon my DVR womthing screwwy (practical term) was transpiring. It records the first 3 mins or soo subsequently the picture freezes after which you can its the last very few minutes. Its not just our unit either, I have confirmed the following with several friends is actually Verizon tech support. ABC is purposfully interfering with the signal will stay CANT record the episodes atleast not over a DVR. Not sure about Tivo’s but since they work with the same way then its most likely.
    Want to see how things might be worse for V devotees? With a growing variety of people looking to online episodes while they cut the TV string, or just hoping to be able to catch an episode they missed on account of, you know, massive storms across the united states that cut power or maybe delayed travel, ABC is no more providing episode only upon its site or through Hulu. Just like you, we truly wish entire episodes were playing the following. But we also expectation our detailed recaps could keep you informed and entertained in the event you ever miss an show. Its’ not free pertaining to hulu to to air these items on their websites and also Hulu’s library would myself much larger. why else do people think they are limited to several episodes.

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    Съюзът на екскурзоводите в България (СЕБ) е учредителната организация, основана на територията на страната с предназначение консолидация, протекция и развитие на екскурзоводската дейност.

    От 1990 г. до днес броят на участниците расте до 200, а езиците, на които предлагат услуги, достигат до 20, в това число: английски, български, френски, гръцки, датски, иврит, испански, италиански, немски, норвежки, полски, португалски, румънски, руски, турски, унгарски, нидерландски, чешки и други.

    Организирането на събития с учебна цел за екскурзоводи е сред главните дейности на СЕБ. Курсовете, лекциите, конференциите и семинарите предоставят уникалната възможност за споделяне на информация, умения и необикновенни преживявания в областта на екскурзоводската занятие, захващайки вниманието и допринасяйки за обединението на всеки един от членуващите.

    СЕБ опростява комуникацията между екскурзоводите и техните клиенти – туристически агенти. Това се осъществява чрез непосредствена връзка (списък в официалния сайт на СЕБ) или индиректна връзка (с помощта на компетентно лице, реагиращо по телефона и електронната поща на организацията).

    Част от екскурзоводите на СЕБ са също и квалифицирани преводачи от чужди езици. Ангажирането на екскурзоводи и преводачи от СЕБ е възможно чрез граждански и трудови договори, с издаване на фактури, както лично от тях, така и през организацията.

    СЕБ продължава да набира нови, амбициозни членове, да предлага шансове за професионално развитие им и съвършенстване на уменията им като екскурзоводи, да облекчава връзката между екскурзоводите и туроператорите.

    курсове екскурзовод


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